RollingPlanets Sports reserves the right to approve the use of the facility/ open
space by other persons at any time not specified in this application at any time
when the facility/open space is not required for use by the applicant.
RollingPlanets Sports reserves the right to cancel the applicant’s use of a facility/open
space on a date shown in this application in the event of the facility/open space
being required for an extraordinary function or extraordinary use.
Smoking is not permitted in the facility and “No Smoking” laws must be adhered to
in relation to all facilities/open spaces.
Users agree to ensure that the facility/open space is kept in a reasonably clean
and a reasonably safe condition during/after usage.
Users ensure all waste is collected and placed in bins provided and all equipment
etc. is stored in its original location.
Not to intentionally or negligently cause or permit any damage to the facility.
You will notify RollingPlanets Sports as soon as practicable of any damage to the
facility caused by you or any other person that you allow on the facility being
your responsibility, and you compensate, replace or make good to RollingPlanets
Sports satisfaction the damage or loss of property.
To leave the facility in the same condition as at the commencement of this agreement.
To do no decorating that involves painting, nailing/screwing, marking or defacing
the facility/open space without the prior consent of RollingPlanets Sports.
You shall not sub-let any or all of the facility/open space to another party without
written permission of RollingPlanets Sports.